Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snow Treasure Character Study

Name_______________________________________ Grade Level _____________  

Snow Treasure Character Study   Up to Chapter __________

The opening chapters of Snow Treasure provide background information for the book. Complete a chart that shows the information that you have gathered about characters, using their name and description as well as the central problems in the story.        

Peter _________________________________________________________________________________


Uncle Victor ____________________________________________________________________________


Helga _________________________________________________________________________________



Per Garson ________________________________________________________________________________



Mr. Lundstrom________________________________________________________________________



Michael _________________________________________________________________________________



Central Problem in the story so far _____________________________________________________________




Because of Winn-Dixie: Worksheet for Chapter 1 - 2


Because of Winn-Dixie:

Think of a person who is close to you — a parent, sibling, friend, relative, etc. List ten things you know about that person. Be specific and descriptive.











Choose your favorite or most intriguing character from Because of Winn-Dixie. Possible choices for character study: Opal, Winn-Dixie, Daddy (the preacher), Gloria Dump, Otis, Franny Block, etc. 
  1. Divide a piece of paper into two columns. Label one column "Traits" and the other "Proof." Under the Traits column, list ten character traits for your character. Be as specific and descriptive as possible. In the Proof column, write page references from the novel (e.g., p. 20) that provide evidence for the individual character traits. Students will need to reread and skim sections of the book to find textual evidence. 

Opal: _____________________________________________________


The Preacher_______________________________________________










  1. For an artistic twist, students can illustrate the character. Write a brief caption for the illustration that explains a few of the characters' traits.

  1. Who do you think is the most interesting character in the novel? Why?  





  1. What does each character teach Opal? What lessons does she learn from those around her?






  1. Which character do you think has the greatest impact on Opal? Why?



  1. Why is the title of the book Because of Winn-Dixie?




In the story, Opal says that everything that happened to her that summer was because of Winn-Dixie, the dog she found at the supermarket. Think about a person or pet that had an effect on your life. Write about a person or pet that influenced your life in some way.





In the story, Opal comes to accept the fact that her mother is not going to return. She is able to let go and
go on with her life. Think about a situation in which you had to learn to accept something you weren't
happy about. Write about a time when you had to accept something and move on.









A gentle, friendly animal can be a source of strength and a good listener for a lonely child. In the story, we
discover a lot about Opal and her situation as she talks to her dog Winn-Dixie. Write a paragraph
describing Opal's life at the time the story takes place.
(This topic is recommended for students who have read through Chapter 3.)
1. How old is Opal at the time the story takes place? Why might her age be important to the story?
2. What does Opal's father do for a living and what is their relationship like?
3. Why does Opal have neither mother nor friends?
4. What does Opal imagine Winn-Dixie wants her to do?










Book Report Task Setting

I use this in class as part of the book report Each week I give out a different task for the students to do about their book. At the end, I collect them all and have the students write an introduction,
put pictures and make a presentation in class about their book.

Book Report Setting

The setting of a story is very important.  It tells where and when the story takes place.
Sometimes the setting will be a determining factor of the story.

Read 10 pages of your book. Then answer these questions:

1. What is the setting of your book?  _______________________________________

2. If the place were different, would that change the story? _____________________

3. In what way? _______________________________________________________

4. If the year(s) were different, would that change the story? ____________________

5.In what way? ________________________________________________________

Vocabulary:  Write four  new words with their meaning in English or Hebrew.

1. __________________________________ 2.______________________________


Choose two words and use them in ONE sentence: _____________________________________________________________________

Grammar in context:   Past Simple:

1. Find five instances of the Past Simple and translate

a. ____________________________________ b._____________________________

c._____________________________________ d.____________________________


2.Write your own sentence in English using the words that you translated.  
a. _________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________________

e. _________________________________________________________________

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Passive explanation and exercise

The Passive is used when we want to emphasize the object and the action being done rather than the subject of the sentence.   We might not even know who the subject is! 

1. Mr. Pine paints the house purple   The active sentence uses the verb paint. 

2. The house is painted purple.  The passive sentence use the verb is painted. 

We can use the passive with different tenses.  Present, Future and Past. 

Present case is the example above.  The form for the passive is is + Past Participle (Third Form of the Verb -V3)

Past:  Form:  was+ Past Participle (Third Form of the Verb -V3)

The handyman fixed the oven.  Active 
The oven was fixed by the handyman Passive.  

Future  Form:  will (verb  be + (Third Form of the Verb -V3)

Eric will play the part of the leading actor in the new film. 
The part of the leading actor will be played by Eric. 

Present perfect:  Form:  has been + (Third Form of the Verb -V3)
Our team has written the computer program. 
The computer program has been written by our team. 

Modals  Form  modal + be base form of the verb. 
Derek can build model airplanes. 
Modal airplanes can be built by Derek.  

Assignment:  Write 5 pairs of sentences in the passive. 






Present Perfect







How to read the vowels A, E, and O

How to READ!!      
By Rachael Orbach

Lesson 1 Vowels A, E, and O

A  says AA or ah                                     Write more words with an A sound

Baa A sheep says baa. _____________________

La la we sing a Shabbat song _____________________

Ay also makes an a sound _____________________

Say   Say this word: say. _____________________

Stay.  Lets stay home. _____________________

Way    Lets walk this way. _____________________

May  May I have some tea please? _____________________

Ee  sounds

Ee makes an EE sound  

Sheep   The sheep are eating. _____________________

Sleep    I will go to sleep at 8 o clock. _____________________

E also makes a short e sound _____________________

Set  Set the table for Shabbat. _____________________

Pet   Pet the cat. _____________________

Net  Catch the fish with a net. _____________________

O  sounds

Stop  Stop the bike now! _____________________

Top  I like to play with a top on Chaunuka. _____________________

Mop  I use a mop to clean for Passover. _____________________

Chop  Chop up the nuts for the Charoset. _____________________

Draw your own word that have these sounds:

Common vocabulary words to study for this week's English test!

  Words to learn today!  Many students have English tests coming up this week, so here is a list of common words that might come up on your ...