Sunday, April 21, 2013

How to read for Private lessons of low level adult English students.

How to READ!!     
By Rachael Orbach

Lesson 1                Vowels A, E, and O

A  says AA or ah                                     Write the words with the vowel sound 

Baa    A sheep says baa.                               _____________________

La la we sing a Shabbat song                        _____________________

Ay also makes an a sound                              _____________________

Say   Say this word: say.                               _____________________

Stay.  Lets stay home.                                  _____________________

Way    Lets walk this way.                            _____________________
May  May I have some tea please?                _____________________

Ee  sounds

Ee makes an EE sound 

Sheep   The sheep are eating.                      _____________________

Sleep    I will go to sleep at 8 o clock.           _____________________

E also makes a short e sound                         _____________________

Set  Set the table for Shabbat.                   _____________________

Pet   Pet the cat.                                         _____________________

Net  Catch the fish with a net.                    _____________________

O  sounds

Stop  Stop the bike now!                                       _____________________

Top  I like to play with a top on Chaunuka.     _____________________

Mop  I use a mop to clean for Passover.         _____________________

Chop  Chop up the nuts for the Charoset.     _____________________

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Common vocabulary words to study for this week's English test!

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