Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lessons for Success - They don't teach in School - English lesson

Ever wonder why the school day is almost the same length as a typical work day?  Why do children go to school, learn to sit still, follow directions?  This was the model for the typical worker in the late 19th century.  Is this the best way to prepare this generations' children for success? 

Read this article and be prepared to discuss it with your English teacher 

Key Terms
talent shortage
more options
 true calling
mindset and skills
by the book
keeps people relevant
tread water 
advisory board
 to synthesize
personal filters
driverless car
hanging out
final judge and jury

According to the text, what is the traditional way of learning? 
What is the new way? 
Tell me about a time that you learned by the book. 
Did you succeed? Were you happy with the results? 
Tell me a time when you succeeded at a task, thinking outside the box?
What task was it? What process did you go through in order to get a good result?  Was it more or less successful than when you followed the rules? 
What innovation do you bring to your job or your family? 
Where did you learn most of your job skills?
Have you done any other kind of on-line learning? 
Do you like interactive on-line learning or static on-line learning?
How often do you have to "think on your feet" in your job? 
What kinds of problems do you have to solve in this manner? 
Do you trust this type of thinking? 
How do you feel about speaking out in front of a group? 
Are you afraid of making mistakes?  in public?  in private?
Who do you learn best from, a friend, a teacher, a parent? 

Lesson plan by Rachael Alice Orbach - Professional English teacher

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