Sunday, April 12, 2015

Snow Treasure Worksheet - Study sheet for a test

Worksheet about the book Snow Treasure. This is a good in class project or homework that you can use after you have finished reading the whole book. Then you can write the test using some of these ideas.

Name_____________________________________ Grade level  __________________

Snow Treasure   Worksheet

1. What were they trying to get out of the country so the Germans  couldn't have it?

2. What did Peter do to the commandent so that he wouldn't find the gold?


3. What happened with the weather that helped them to get the gold safely down the hill?


4.Where were they taking the gold for safekeeping?


5.What were they trying to get out of the country so the Germans  couldn't have it?


6. Why was Jan able to get into the barracks to save Peter?


7. In what country does the novel take place?


8. Who risked their life to save Peter when he was locked in the barracks?


9. What did they do so that the children would not have to go back to school?

10. Why was Jan willing to risk his life to save Peter?


11. Why was the weather important in getting the gold down the mountain?


12. How did they hide the gold at the bottom of the hill?

Lesson Plan by Rachael Alice Orbach - Professional English Teacher

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