Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How to study for BULATS Reading test in English

The Bulats reading test is very useful if you need an evaluation of your reading ability quickly. this is he offical website:  http://www.bulats.org/  This test evaluates your abilty in Business English.  One of the main differences is that you can take this test on the Internet, without leaving your home or office!

The different parts of the test test different skills. The reading test as two parts:

 Part 1 of the test gives you a text of 250 words, and comprehension questions at the bottom of the page.  Make sure that you understand the text so the questions will be easy. In order to do well on this part of the test, practice by reading short essays, and news reports.  http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ , make sure that you pick Grade 6 articles and about half way down the page are reading comprehension questions for Student A and B answer both sets of questions.

Part 2 is a cloze exercise.  It tests your ability to recognize idioms and common phrases in English.
You will be given sentences with blanks in them.  One section you get to pick from four alternatives, but the other part you have to type in the correct answer.  http://a4esl.org/q/h/idioms.html This is a good site to practice your idioms.  Do 5 each day so that you will learn them well.

The whole test lasts an hour and you get your score right away.
If you need help to prepare for this test, contact me and we can set up a time to study together. 

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